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元宵节 哪个皇帝

元宵节 哪个皇帝




一年元宵节,乾隆皇帝带着一群文武大臣去观看灯会。看到大家欢乐的氛围,乾隆皇帝突发奇想,让大臣们出谜语供大家猜,增加节日乐趣。当时,纪晓岚激动地挥笔在宫灯上写了一副对联:\"黑不是,白不是,红黄更不是,神秘它真似,在人间艺术品。\" 这副对联一经出现,立刻引起了大家的热烈讨论和猜测,成为元宵节传统的活动之一。







The Origin of the Lantern Festival

Lantern Festival falls on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. This is the first full moon of the new year, symbolizing new beginnings and wishes for a prosperous year ahead. Legend has it that in ancient times, there was a god-like figure named \"Pangu\" who created the universe. According to the myth, after Pangu\'s death, his spirit turned into a red lantern, illuminating the night sky. On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, people began to light lanterns to commemorate Pangu and pray for good luck and blessings.

Stories of the Lantern Festival

The Lantern Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals, also known as the \"Shangyuan Festival,\" usually celebrated on the fifteenth day of the lunar month. Here are some stories related to the Lantern Festival:

In ancient times, there was a mythical figure named \"Pangu\" who was believed to have created the world. On the fifteenth day of the lunar month, people would light lanterns to honor Pangu\'s contribution and celebrate the beauty of the full moon.

Another famous story is the legend of the \"Jade Emperor\'s Birthday.\" According to the legend, the Jade Emperor\'s birthday falls on the fifteenth day of the lunar month. To commemorate this special occasion, people would light lanterns, set off fireworks, and have a grand celebration.

These stories showcase the cultural significance and traditions of the Lantern Festival, making it an important and cherished festival in Chinese culture.

The Dates of Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, Qi Qiao Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, and Double Ninth Festival

The Spring Festival: The first day of the lunar month. It is a time for families to gather, decorate their homes with couplets, set off fireworks, and exchange greetings and blessings.

The Lantern Festival: The fifteenth day of the lunar month. People enjoy lantern displays, eat sweet dumplings called yuanxiao, and participate in various lantern-related activities.

The Qi Qiao Festival (also known as the Chinese Valentine\'s Day): The seventh day of the seventh lunar month. It is a romantic festival where young girls pray for skills in embroidery and love.

The Dragon Boat Festival: The fifth day of the fifth lunar month. It is commemorated with dragon boat races, eating sticky rice dumplings called zongzi, and hanging up special herbs to ward off evil spirits.

The Double Ninth Festival: The ninth day of the ninth lunar month. It is a day to pay respects to the elderly, climb mountains, and enjoy the autumn scenery.

The Origin and Legends of Eating Yuanxiao on Lantern Festival

Yuanxiao, also known as tangyuan, is a traditional Chinese dessert eaten during the Lantern Festival. Its origin can be traced back to the Han Dynasty over 2000 years ago. During the reign of Emperor Ming, the custom of enjoying yuanxiao and lighting lanterns on the fifteenth day of the lunar month was introduced. It was believed that by eating yuanxiao, one could be blessed with good luck and fortune. The round shape of yuanxiao symbolizes reunion and completeness, representing the hope for harmony and happiness in the coming year.

The Reason behind Li Kui\'s Chaos during Lantern Festival in the Capital

In the story of Li Kui\'s chaos during the Lantern Festival in the capital, the famous characters from the Water Margin, including Song Jiang, Chai Jin, Dai Zong, Li Kui, and Yan Qing, disguised themselves as officials and visited Li Shishi\'s house. They offered money and drank with her, but Li Kui was dissatisfied and expressed his discontent. Song Jiang intended to have their actions reported to the emperor, but Li Shishi didn\'t understand the plan. Coincidentally, the emperor arrived at that moment, and the three of them...